Sea Island has exchanged contracts on a riverside site in Spalding in the South Holland district of Lincolnshire. The development will provide 67 extra care apartments for older people.
This will be the first development of its type in South Holland. Therefore, since first expressing an interest in the site, Sea Island has received strong support for its proposals both from the District Council as strategic housing planner and from the County Council as social care commissioner. We have involved both local authorities in discussions about specification and design to ensure that we provide will meet local need.
We have provided a detailed cost appraisal to satisfy the District’s housing benefit manager that all costs are reasonable in accordance with housing benefit regulations. This gives us confidence as developer that the scheme is financially viable.
Architects JDDK have been appointed to design the scheme and submit plans for consideration by the District Council by December 2022. As partnership and collaboration is key to all that we do, we will continue to involve both the County Council and its preferred care provider in discussion of these plans.

Number of Apartments
Local Authority
North Tyneside Council